A good friend shared a quote with me this week, and after reading it, I realized how much it resonates with me. I proceeded to read it again, and again, and again.
Quotes…we all love to read a good quote here and there, by people we admire in our fields of interest, or just those that motivate, make us feel more positive, give us a needed smile, or boost of energy. This one certainly made me think.
“Did you use the time I gifted you each day to be a purposeful being? Did you follow your own path and make your time count? How faithfully did you tend to the dream I sowed in your soul?”
This comes from a book called The Motivation Manifesto by Brendon Burchard. Sounds like a very interesting book, one that I’ll probably wind up buying on Amazon. But, it’s the quote that really stuck with me these last couple days.
“Did you use the time I gifted you each day to be a purposeful being?” Time to reflect on this life and what I’ve done, and what I’m doing. I think teaching is purposeful, and I certainly enjoy it. I feel like I do things with great intention and purpose. I think (and analyze) through my choices, maybe too much, before embarking on new paths. But, for me, I do like solid goals and intentions.
“Did you follow your own path and make your time count?” This is a big one for me, because I’ve been known to leave a contentious meeting, or other unpleasant encounter, and grumble, “Well there’s another hour of my life I won’t get back.” We’ve all felt that way on occasion, but how do we make all the time count? Well, we enjoy our time with the people we love, enjoy life’s experiences and limit those moments that cause the grumbling to tiny blips on the radar. Follow our own paths, and don’t be swayed by what others are doing. What is right for one isn’t always right for another.
“How faithfully did you tend to the dream I sowed in your soul?” This is the time to remember all those dreams you’ve had, even as far back as when we were kids…what did you want to do when you “grew up?” What did you want to be? Where did you want to live? Well, no time like the present! Follow your passions and your dreams, and minimize those unpleasant encounters. We only get one life, make it count.

I happened to be organizing some files on my hard drive and came across three photographs taken over the course of the past couple years. They make me smile. One a path well taken, and Kisses, two beautiful souls, and a time to celebrate the changing of the seasons! Happy Autumn!