What if the next time you visited a National Park, or hiked into the backcountry on BLM land, you happened upon this? For the final project in one of my classes during winter quarter we had to explore a believable, but currently impossible, photo realistic situation. At least that was my take-away.
Given my background working in the advertising world, and my love of these majestic landscapes, I combined the two to see what this world might look like. Can’t say I like it much, but it was a fun project to complete.
The landscapes are scans from my 6×9 negatives taken over the years, and the billboards are new digital captures made here in Colorado Springs towards the end of the quarter. The billboards were removed from their natural backgrounds and composited into my landscapes.
As I mentioned to my classmates at the time of peer review, let’s hope we don’t see this in our lifetimes.