Don’t we say that about life in general? Timing is everything. Sometimes you’re lucky and sometimes you’re not. Sometimes you have to anticipate what is going to happen and sometimes, we get distracted and miss it.
The images I’ve posted this week are a celebration to the end of winter and the beginning of spring! This weekend, on Sunday, we reached the Vernal Equinox, the first day of spring and it felt glorious! I’ve enjoyed these past several weeks of unseasonably warm weather here in the Rockies, although, we did have that quick snowfall late Saturday.
This brings me to timing. Late Saturday, I noticed my daylilies actually coming up through this new fallen snow! No, no, no! Not yet, it’s way too early in Colorado. Don’t these daylilies know the rule? We’re not to plant until after Mother’s Day, so it stands to reason, they should stay buried until then. Oh, well…here they are. And, beautiful I might add – that young, bright green color against the pure white snow. Well, I said, I’m going to have to make a photo of those when the light is just right tomorrow, before it all melts.
My window of time was slim to none. I watched and waited all morning for the sun to travel from the east to the south, and finally to the southwest sky and cast a beautiful light on these new seedlings. I grabbed my camera and shot and watched as the snow melted before my eyes. I got what I wanted and stepped inside to download my images. About an hour later, I peeked out, no snow. Wow, this time of year the seasons begin to move fast. So, that said, anticipate what you want in a photograph and give yourself the time to watch and wait, and watch and wait, then pounce. Then it’s all over but the shouting soon thereafter!
So, as a photographer, you should know how the light is going to change throughout the day, and anticipate exactly what will happen. And, make your move…don’t hesitate or you’ll loose the light! Pay attention to sunrise and sunset, and watch the sun as it travels the sky in between.
With that, I give you a couple images I enjoyed making on the first day of spring, in my humble front yard! Happy Spring, and to my students, Happy Spring Break Week! Here’s to a beautiful, colorful season in store to set your sights, and viewfinders, on as we see Mother Nature explode with color!