Sometimes it’s just the simplest things that create inspiration and necessitate the making of a photograph. How about eggs? These wonderfully curved, ovoid shaped delicacies are quite elegant to look at, however, even better to eat. But, before we do that, let’s photograph them! I took this opportunity to make some egg images the other day. A fun time in my studio with strobe lights and delicate little white and blue egg cups. Some time spent playing with composition, selective focus and lighting, then I had it. A shot I liked, so I decided to share it!
This shot also reminded me why I always – always – ask my students to bring in hard-boiled eggs if they plan to incorporate eggs into their studio shots. I didn’t take my own advice, and as a bounce card tipped over I watched one of my eggs slowing roll off my table and, SPLAT, onto my studio floor! I couldn’t react; it was slow motion at its best. I laughed and laughed, and said to myself, “You won’t be able to require hard boiled eggs from your students without fessing up this little mess!”
For those that might be interested, I shot this with my Nikon D810, 105mm, f/2.8 at 1/160 sec, ISO 100. I love the delicate feel and the glow behind my front egg! And, this has inspired me to take a little photo exploration into the organic! More food – pears, pumpkins, gourds and more! So, stay tuned as I explore all the nuances of the healthy side of eating!
All this talk about eggs gets me to thinking about my favorite, childhood book, Green Eggs and Ham, by none other than, Dr. Seuss. My mom tells me she read this book cover to cover, night after night, and still knows it by heart! What a wonderful book, and I still have my original, tattered copy. Now, maybe that might make an interesting abstract photo!
Until next week, eat healthy, enjoy your breakfast, and let your food be your inspiration!
![Eggs, Glorious Eggs!](