Have you ever had a model scheduled for a photo shoot, and then she shows up and looks like she’s been in a fight? Maybe not your human models, or, well maybe depending on the company you keep. For me, I recently posted several dog portraits, specifically of my Maggie. Lots of dog park visitors call her Petey, because she looks like the dog from the Little Rascals. Maggie is my star, she is the one who can pose in front of my camera, and give me those quizzical looks. I had every intention of doing another round of images this week, as we’re trying to get some new photographs for Spotted Dog Excavating’s website.
Well, things took a turn, and yes, my model showed up looking like she’d been in a fight. This past week, Maggie and her much bigger, older, alpha sister Olive decided to duke it out over a dead squirrel. I came home from work to a blood bath, and a dead squirrel in my garage to boot. After a late evening at the vet, I came home with a dog that doesn’t resemble that perfect little angel sitting in front of my camera. She has a new eyebrow carved out over her left eye, and a puncture wound in her right eyelid.
Glamour portraits will have to wait. Yes, I could do some retouching, but what fun would that be, and besides, you can’t exactly add that twinkle in someone’s eye. It has to be there, in their mood and joy for the moment!

So, moral of this story, remain flexible! Your schedule really doesn’t matter, nor do your self-imposed deadlines. Instead, enjoy the ride!
Speaking of this week, we have a lot to be thankful for. Today, May 3rd, is National Teacher Appreciation Day. So, thank you to all the wonderful teachers I’ve had in my life, and to all the great teachers I work with today! And, thank you to my mom for sending me a sweet reminder of this special day!
This is also the last week of spring semester. A week of final exams, final portfolio presentations, and if it’s Angela’s class, a potluck! Because food goes great with everything, right? As we celebrate the last week of classes, I want to remember all the great photographers who came before us and helped to enrich our lives with this beautiful medium. I’ll share a few, “This Week in History,” bits of trivia.
Today, May 3rd, in 1888, Kodak registered their trademark name in the U.K., and before that, in 1849 Jacob Riis was born. Riis was a Danish photographer and journalist known for his amazing social documentary work in the slums of New York City. Check out his work, it was praised by the New York Police Commissioner (and future POTUS), Theodore Roosevelt. I wonder if they ever called Roosevelt, POTUS?